John 11:24 NKJV
“Martha said to Him, “I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day.”
John 11:24 NKJV
Lazarus was dead, 4 days in the tomb, and Jesus spoke about raising him up from that tomb.
Jesus arrived to bring Lazarus back to life. Lazarus's sister told Jesus. " Yes I believe that he will rise again on the resurrection day."
Martha knew the scriptures and she believed in what will happen to her brother on the resurrection day, but not right there and at that time.
We too can get caught up with what we know about the scripture and just move on because it does not require the “NOW faith.”
God heals people, some see the healing instantly, some see it gradually while some happen over a long time.
Many believers believe that God can heal but the majority will choose to believe that it will happen eventually.
Very few would believe that it could happen right now because right now faith is risky.
Therefore, we would believe God will do it but in His time. When is God’s time? His time is right now because He doesn’t want to see His beloved children suffer.
If we can believe right now healing at all times, right now miracles, and let the other option become secondary, then we would see more instantaneous miracles.
We must be ready to believe in God and His power to work through us at all times. We need to exercise now faith more each day.
We need to put our faith out there on the line and believe in God for a miracle.
Many will say but what if nothing happens? But what if a miracle happens in that instance?
It is more profitable to take the positive approach and believe in God for right now because it will bring liberation not only to us or the people being healed but it will encourage the entire body.
Let us believe God for supernatural healing and supernatural miracles to take place as we pray in His Name.
Ps Ambrose