Mark 7:28 NKJV
“And she answered and said to Him, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs under the table eat from the children’s crumbs.””
Mark 7:28 NKJV
A very hard statement Jesus made to this Greek, Syro-Phoenician woman ( a Gentile) relating to her as a little dog.
Jesus is not saying to discriminate against her but to make an important life-changing point.
She pretended to be a Jew and hoped to persuade Jesus through a religious form.
As we can see this also in Matthew 15:21-28.
Jesus was saying to this woman that what he is giving cannot be attained by human effort.
God’s grace and mercy cannot be attained because we know someone or come from a lineage of important descendants.
When Jesus said, it was not good for Him to take the children’s bread and throw it to little dogs, the woman was not offended but realised and acknowledged that she would need to come as who she was.
She acknowledged that only by God’s grace she can receive her daughter’s healing.
The truth set her free and her daughter was made well.
As a new covenant believer, Jesus has made a way, given authority and power and clothed us with His righteousness.
This cannot be attained by works or our religious performance, but by receiving and believing that we are what Christ has made us to be.
We cannot come before God in any other way except by the way He has opened for all humanity.
Let us come before our Lord Jesus Christ and receive with gratitude according to all He has done for us.
Ps Ambrose