Mark 3:25 NKJV
“And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.”
Mark 3:25 NKJV
When Jesus was accused that He had Beelzebub and that He cast out demons by the ruling demon, Jesus gave a very important answer that will help us learn how to stand strong in His kingdom.
Jesus clearly said that if the house is divided against itself, it cannot stand. It will cause self-destruction to the house.
It will weaken the structure and therefore will bring down the entire house.
It is very important that our family unit, our church, our work place and our community stay united in Christ so that we can stand strong.
When we are together moving forward in the vision and mission that is in the heart of our Father, there will be nothing that can stop us.
The enemy knows the power of unity, he knows that there is no way in to break into a united house.
Jesus, through His death and resurrection made us all as one in Him. We are all one in Christ Jesus to fulfil His plan and purpose in this world.
We need to be an agent of unity and not an agent that brings division in His kingdom.
In Christ we are all born again into one family of God. We become a magnet that pulls each other together to accomplish God’s purpose in this world.
Jesus promised us that all that we need in this world will be added unto us. Therefore, we continue to seek His kingdom in unity.
Let us be united in Christ as one body, one in His word and one in His Spirit.
Ps Ambrose