Philippians 2:18 NKJV
“For the same reason you also be glad and rejoice with me.”
Philippians 2:18 NKJV
Paul encouraged all believers to do everything unto the Lord as an offering, a worship and praise to the Lord.
The message of Jesus is meant to be poured out from our lives to others. As Paul to the believers.
Every word that Jesus spoke and every word of God that Paul brings will be in vain if it is not poured out to others.
The calling to be glad and rejoice with Paul here means to take part in Christ's life as Paul had taken part and displayed that through his lifestyle.
He devoted his life to preaching the gospel of the kingdom in every place.
In every situation there will always be two choices to make. To rise above it or to go under it.
Both have its pain and its gain. To go under and submit to defeat means we don’t have to fight it or overcome it but gain nothing out of it and will be carrying that pain in our life.
To rise above it means that we fight it with the good fight of faith in Christ Jesus. It might be painful in the beginning but in the end we will be carrying that victory in our lives.
So Paul is encouraging us to take part in that joy and be glad that after going through a season of fight by faith in Jesus, we can celebrate life and minister in the power of God.
Pouring out our life as a worship to God without complaining, murmuring but with thanksgiving and praise in our hearts to the Lord.
We are a vessel of God’s glory, God’s power, grace and love to the world. The world is waiting for that vessel to pour out God’s glory, power, grace and love.
Let us be a vessel that pours out God into the world so that all may taste and see that the Lord is good.
Ps Ambrose