Psalms 100:2 NKJV
Serve the Lord with gladness; Come before His presence with singing.
Psalms 100:2 NKJV
The psalmist invited the people to serve the Lord with gladness. Gladness is an important posture, attitude and condition of our hearts that God loves.
It is an attitude that comes when a person makes the right decision to honour and praise God no matter what the condition of their circumstance.
Gladness always causes our hearts to rejoice and look forward to seeing, hearing and doing wonderful things.
This is not a superficial gladness that the world offers under the influence of drugs and alcohol but a gladness that comes out of making a decision to seek God, seek His kingdom and serve Him above all else.
When we make the choice to serve the Lord with gladness, our hearts and minds will be filled with praises unto the Lord.
Gladness will cause us to look into God's goodness and His purpose for our lives.
This will cause worship to bubble forth from within us unto the Lord.
Songs of praise and worship will begin to rise from within us as a sweet aroma of worship unto the Lord.
We create an atmosphere of God's presence when we serve the Lord with gladness. People around us will be blessed and encouraged with hope by the atmosphere we create through gladness.
Therefore, let us use every opportunity to serve the Lord with gladness and let the songs of praise fill our hearts, minds and our lips unto the Lord.
Ambrose Francis