Romans 3:24 NKJV
being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
Romans 3:24 NKJV
This is a powerful truth.
Every believer should hold on to the rights of this truth no matter what the circumstances may be.
We have been justified freely.
It means by God's grace and by His own works God has freely justify us. We are and we will be everything that Christ has purchased for us. We must not let anything take that away from us.
We must not put a price on it. No sacrifice, nor any spiritual activity is good enough to gain it.
It is to be received with thanksgiving by faith in Jesus Christ.
The basic foundation that Jesus has laid for us is that it is finished, it is done. We already got everything we need to live life in the power of Christ.
All we need to do is to cultivate the freedom that we have received. We are to cultivate the power that we have been blessed with.
We have to put those gifts into practise and work that out by faith.
Just like a person learning to ride. Though the bike is given, it does not mean the person receiving the bike is going to ride on it.
The person might choose to walk to work or take a bus because the person is too scared to try or to believe that they can ride the bike.
If the person takes the bike and starts learning to ride, start practising again and again, though he may fall sometimes or even he may even get hurt along the way, he will eventually master it.
We all know if we don't give up but continue to practice on that bike, we will be able to ride it. The more we ride it, the better we become at it.
Every gift of God needs to be put into use, practice and be nurtured because it is alive and powerful.
This is what we all have received freely.
Let us cultivate it and bless each other freely.
Ambrose Francis