Acts 1:3 NKJV
to whom He also presented Himself alive after His suffering by many infallible proofs, being seen by them during forty days and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.
Acts 1:3 NKJV
After Jesus resurrected from the dead, He appeared to many and He taught them about the Kingdom of God.
Jesus taught His disciples many things when he was alive and after the resurrection He appeared for 40 days to speak about the Kingdom of God.
Many of us live in a democratic system and that system creeps into our lives desiring for the rights that give us pleasure.
Everybody's opinion matters in a democracy. Majority wins even if something is terribly wrong.
Jesus did not teach His disciples about being democratic but He taught them about the Kingdom of God.
Jesus displayed the heart of our Heavenly Father. A good Father, who gave everything to save us. That is the King we serve.
A King who has His people as His priority and loved them to the point of taking our punishment of death.
Jesus is speaking about a kingdom of God which the Ruler is the King and if we submit to the King, we will receive the blessings that the King of Kings offers.
In a kingdom of God, what the King says matters, what the King says goes and when the King decides, everyone follows.
We as believers are not to function in a democratic system but a system of the kingdom of God. God, who is the author whose name is called LOVE.
When God speaks and reveals to us, we are not to debate, argue or try to get a vote to decide. When we make God the King of our lives, we just obey Him.
There is no perfect king, there is no king who knows everything and there is no king that we have heard of that would die for someone who did not knowingly accept Him except for the One, Jesus Christ.
It is a wise thing to love and follow God who is our King and He has all of us in His heart.
Ambrose Francis