Hebrews 13:1 NKJV
Let brotherly love continue.
Hebrews 13:1 NKJV
This is a continuous teaching from chapter 12 that talks about the superior law and covenant that was brought through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The writer teaches us to continue in brotherly love towards each other.
This is because love cannot be expressed without someone else being there. The purpose of community life as a church is so that we can commune the love that flows from God.
God is love, therefore when we continue our caring and loving with God's kind of love then we will see God's kind of results.
To continue is such a challenge especially when we are up against people who don't love themselves and they hate themselves.
But the only thing that can break that bondage of self-pity and self-righteousness is love.
We are called to continually function in the love we have received from God. We need a strong conviction of God's love ourselves.
We need to be confident that God chose to love us because He desires to and it has nothing to do with our works or our sacrifice.
When we know that God loves us no matter what or who we are, then we will be able to flow in that divine love of God.
Therefore love becomes the main character of our service, serving and dedication towards God.
Everything and anything that we do need to flow in that divine love of God. When we function and see God's love, we keep no track record. We don't look for affirmation or applause from men for it has become such pleasure to all who serve God.
For the love of God to grow in us, we need to continue to grow in the Lord and in His word so we see and understand the inheritance we have because of God's love.
Let us flow and flood our community with God's love.
Ambrose Francis