II Timothy 4:5 NKJV


But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

II Timothy 4:5 NKJV

Paul in his last letter to Timothy his spiritual son, advised, encouraged and warned him to be watchful of the doctrines that are not of God.

There are many beliefs contrary to the Bible and are made up by their fantasies about God and about what He wants them to do.

Just like in the days of Timothy, we too are surrounded by doctrines of man and about the world and how it was formed. We are surrounded by teachers who teach values that seem good and kind but it is contrary to the word of God.

We too need to be watchful about what comes our way and what to take into our lives to believe.

Every thought is a powerful force of change. God's word in our mind will bring about God's results.

One way to keep living in the word of God is to do what we have received, practise it and make it a part of our lifestyle.

That is what Paul is telling Timothy to do that is to keep doing the work of the ministry. By doing so, it keeps him alert in Christ.

If we become hearers only and not doers of the word we will become like the people Paul tells Timothy to watch out for. We will evolve a doctrine to suit our doing of nothing but waiting for God to do everything for us.

The Bible clearly shows us that we are co-workers in Christ. It means Christ together with us are working hand in hand to fulfill the plans that God has ordained for us.

Let us keep our eyes on Christ, our hearts and minds filled with His word and our hands and feet doing all that God has commanded.


Ambrose Francis


Daniel 3:22 NKJV


Philippians 3:21 AMP