I Corinthians 15:27 NKJV


For “He has put all things under His feet.” But when He says “all things are put under Him, ” it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.

I Corinthians 15:27 NKJV

Paul was speaking of the resurrection of Christ and the last enemy to be defeated in this world is death. This highlights what Christ has done, did and will do on judgement day.

Evil may seem like getting away with things.

It may seem like evil is getting away from justice or evil may look like gaining victory over good but in the end, it is written that all will be under Christ's feet.

The resurrection of Jesus is proof of His authority, power and dominion over death.

Today we as a disciple of Jesus rule and reign IN CHRIST. This means that no matter what the world throws at us, the end result is already established in Christ.

In order for us not to lose heart or hope, not to give up and in order for us to press on to the upward call of God, we have to keep our eyes on the finished work of Christ.

We need to remind ourselves of the end that is coming.

The end that will reveal the King of kings and Lord of lords. The end where every knee will bow, worship and submit to Jesus Christ, our Lord.

That same power is in us to take us through life here on earth and it will reveal the end which is victoriously in Christ.

Let us continue to develop Christ and His resurrection power that is in us. So that our spirit, soul and body be an instrument of God to save souls in this world.


Ambrose Francis.


John 17:14 NKJV


John 15:26 NKJV