Joshua 1:6 NKJV
“Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.”
Joshua 1:6 NKJV
God spoke to Joshua to be strong and of good courage. God spoke to Joshua to strengthen himself in the Lord and in what God had commanded.
Many believe God but will muscle up their own strength and come up with their own ideas and do their own way.
God is not asking Joshua to be strong in himself and believe in what he has but to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
God is shaping Joshua’s mind and heart to anchor himself in trusting God and His power.
It is easy to fall back every time on our own ways and do our own things. Then we find ourselves stuck, cornered and cannot move forward.
The first generation was stuck because they were not letting God shape their hearts and minds.
It is important to know where our courage comes from and it is important to know who we trust.
Know where can show us the results we are going to get. If we trust God and draw our hope and strength from God, then we will have God’s results.
Joshua conquered and entered the promised land because he anchored himself in God and His commands.
Because of Joshua’s obedience, God gave Joshua the power to divide the land and inheritance to the people.
There is power concealed in every obedient move.
There is a divine provision in obedience that will cause us to be in a position to distribute wealth.
Our obedience is not to attain things.
Our obedience is to walk pleasing our King of kings and Lord of lords.
Let us all be strong in the Lord, strong in His wisdom, in His might, take courage in Him, and live in His power and love.
Ps Ambrose