Colossians 1:19 NKJV
For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, Colossians 1:19 NKJV
Our Father has chosen Jesus Christ, His Son, that in Him all the fullness should dwell. When we live in Christ, we live life from the fullness of God. It is our Father's desire that we live in a conscience knowing that He is pleased with us in Christ. Our Father in heaven has made a way for us to be at peace with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. And being made new in Christ gives us the assurance that God is pleased with us indeed. Therefore, to live a pleasing life unto God is to remain in Christ. To remain in what Christ has said and done for us. Trying to please God is a lifestyle that proves we are not remaining in what Christ has done for us. We are at peace with God through Christ. Believing and living life as an appeased child of God produces freedom, joy and productivity. When we are at peace with God, we are above every situation and not beneath. We will have the confidence to excel far beyond the human mind. Knowing this truth is very important because if we believe God and what He has done for us, then we will put our value in Him and not on our circumstances. We need to be confident, believe and be assured that God is pleased with us because we are His children in Christ Jesus. God's love for us will never fade nor fail. It is always constant and always strengthening. We must set our heart and mind on what Christ has done for us and be free from condemnation, guilt and fear. Let us set our hearts in Christ and all the fullness that is in Him. Enjoy this wonderful relationship with our heavenly Father. Blessings Ambrose Francis