I Corinthians 2:10 NKJV
But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. I Corinthians 2:10 NKJV
In this passage, Paul is speaking about the wisdom and the knowledge of God. The revelation of who God is and the deep mysteries that are far beyond the human mind. This verse says that God HAS revealed them to us through the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that we are the temple of God, His dwelling place. Now the Comforter, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. Therefore, we all have these glorious mysteries in our spirit man. We can walk and live in this glorious wisdom and knowledge of God if we choose to walk and live in the spirit. We have been made by God with a spirit, soul and body. When we received Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives, we are born again. Our spirit man becomes one with God. Our spirit becomes in tune with the Holy Spirit. All that the Holy Spirit knows become known in our spirit man. Our soul and body need to be renewed by what we see in the spirit. When the Bible talks about walking in the spirit and you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh, it is talking about when we set our mind in tune in the spirit, our soul and body starts to flow with the resources from the spirit. Therefore, our flesh will be dominated by the knowledge of God. But if we don't see through the spirit, we will be dominated by our flesh which subjects to sin. The Holy Spirit in us searches all things and the deep things of God. The Holy Spirit knows everything and every deep thing of God. The Holy Spirit searches for us everything that we need to know and will show us the deep things of God. Every believer has the capacity to know the glorious knowledge of God if we get in tune with the Holy Spirit of God. The reason that Jesus sent to us His Spirit is so that Jesus knew that without His Spirit, we cannot see the kingdom of God and His true plans. There are many ways we can build our Spirit man to be in tune with the Holy Spirit. The main one I believe is praying in tongues. That is more than just building our spiritual muscles. It is washing our soul and body with the atmosphere of heaven. Praying in the spirit is praying in the perfect will of God. The more we pray the perfect prayer, the sharper we become in the things of God. Exercising a perfect prescription will eventually give the perfect result. God the Holy Spirit is so pure and precious to us all. Let us build our spirit with the knowledge that God HAS REVEALED to us His mysteries. Blessings Ambrose Francis