Galatians 5:24 NKJV


And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5:24 NKJV

Paul, speaking to the Galatians that those who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior have died with Him on that cross at Calvary. The life of flesh has been done away with and they receive a new life of the Spirit. The governance of new life is spirit and not carnal. The following verse says that if we are living in the spirit, we should be WALKING in the spirit. The life we have in Christ Jesus is not a life trying to live in the spirit. That's carnal. The life we have in Christ is a spiritual life that carries its influence throughout our soul and body. The revealed knowledge of God to mankind is Jesus Christ and He laid down all the word of God as revealed for us to partake. To walk in the divine nature of God is a spirit-led life. Walking in the revelation knowledge of who we are, what we have and what we are called to do. If we TRY to live in the spirit, we will bring about our own limitations because it's from our own passions and desires. To live in the spirit and to be led by the spirit, one must believe that we have been made a spirit being by the death and resurrection of Christ. Therefore, our identity is not carnal but spiritual. John 4:24 says ' God is Spirit and anyone who worships Him MUST worship in spirit and in truth.' We have to shut the lies of the enemies and its plan by believing who we really are in Christ Jesus. People are finding it difficult to accept this because we are looking from a carnal mindset instead of our new life which lives, moves and having our being as a spirit man. This is a powerful truth that the enemy will do his best to stop from it going forth. We must preach the gospel of Jesus for He has made us holy and pure as a spirit being. This is the new life we have in Him, for our old life is dead. Let us come alive in the truth that Jesus has established for us and let us share this powerful truth that has liberated and will continue to liberate people. Blessings Ambrose Francis Xavier


Ephesians 4:24 NKJV


Acts 4:12 NKJV