Genesis 2:15 NKJV
Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.
Genesis 2:15 NKJV
God designed mankind to tend and keep the garden. This means mankind was equipped with the ability to do so.
The authority over the garden is given to mankind. Therefore, it is the responsibility that mankind was suppose to keep and be accounted for.
When there was a mistake done in the garden, mankind was supposed to acknowledge it and fix it.
When mankind made a mistake by eating the forbidden fruit, neither of them took responsibility and blamed everyone else.
This has caused all authority and dominion that God has given to mankind to be taken by the enemy.
Mankind who was supposed to rule over the world becomes a slave to the world.
Thanks be to God who has redeemed us through Christ and restored to us the authority and power to rule over, take care and to keep it.
We need to learn not to give away our rights and authority by blaming others. We need to learn to take responsibility to do what God has called us to do.
What God has restored we need to tend, keep and multiply it. We cannot afford to shrink back because of what comes to affect the garden.
There will be all kind of pests, sickness and situations that will try to invade the garden God has called us to take care.
Are we going to run every time we get hit or are we going to stay strong to face them with the power and authority that God has given to us?
Let's take responsibility to nurture and grow all that God has given to us.
Ambrose Francis