Psalms 1:2 NKJV


But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law, he meditates day and night.

Psalms 1:2 NKJV

A man or a woman that desires to live a blessed life delights themselves in the law of God. They meditate on it day and night.

This is such a powerful truth. God's word is a reflection of who He is. To meditate on Him through His word will cause us to reflect God.

If we desire to live a powerful life in the kingdom of God as God has purposed, we need to spend time looking unto Him so that what we are looking at will be reflected in us and through us.

What we give our eye gate, ear gate and minds too will start to generate our whole personality into that image.

Jesus is the reflection of the Father in heaven. As Christ is, so are we. Therefore, we are a reflection of God here on earth.

For this to take place effectively, we need to delight ourselves in Him, His word and His Spirit.

It may sometimes take time to take delight in something. To develop from what we have to do to what we want to do is a process that we need to intentionally put our effort into.

When we start to do that, our heart starts to take delight in Him and His word. All things become beautiful and powerful by delighting ourselves in His word.

This will encourage us to build our life as Christ Jesus has purposed, established and set for us.

Let us lay aside everything that hinders us from pressing forward in delighting ourselves in His word and His Spirit.


Ambrose Francis


Acts 19:12 NKJV


John 11:17 NKJV