Isaiah 60:2 NKJV
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, And deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, And His glory will be seen upon you.
Isaiah 60:2 NKJV
This is very much the day we are living now. The increase of corruption, the greed for power and the desire to control have penetrated our society.
The greater the darkness becomes, the greater the light to dispel them. A small light in a dark room will light the room up.
People who pay attention to darkness can be absorbed by them and deep darkness covers them. Deep darkness means a cloud or a mist that blocks the hearts and minds of the people.
It blocks them from seeing the truth of who God is and His power in His children. It makes them to turn their attention to the circumstances they are in.
God's promise to us is that He will arise over us and His glory will be seen upon us.
God is faithful and whatever He said is considered done.
All God is waiting for is for us to believe in Him and by faith to shine His glory.
For God's glory to be seen in and through us, we need to step out in faith and just do what He has said.
We have seen a little glory here and there because we have given little to obey God's word. If we continue to obey God and walk by faith and not by what we can afford, then we will see the greater glory of God.
Our hearts and minds need to be filled with who God is and what He wants to accomplish in our lives.
Let us continue to live in Christ and shine His glory in our family, community and all the world.
Ps Ambrose