Deuteronomy 6:4 NKJV
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one!
Deuteronomy 6:4 NKJV
The greatest commandments in the old testament start with an acknowledgement that the Lord is One.
This means that there is no other wisdom or knowledge, no other power or person that is above our God.
Therefore, we acknowledge our Lord and His promises above our own thoughts, above our own feelings and above every circumstance that we live in.
To acknowledge that God is number one in our lives also means that whatever storm may come our way, we stand committed in our belief that God is God and we will trust Him.
To acknowledge Jesus our Lord as the ultimate answer to all our questions so that we will not be persuaded nor influenced by any other power except all that is in our Lord, our God.
When we are tested with storms of life and with temptations, do we seek worldly solutions or do we take an easy escape or do we trust God, His word, His ways and His salvation plan?
Do we honour Him as our only hope and hold on to God until the end?
When we hold on to God and His promises through the storms of life, through temptations and through every hardship that comes our way, it shows us that we have made the Lord our God above all and make space for testimonies of the goodness of God to manifest.
Christ our Lord has enabled us with His divine power and graced us to go through every storm, every temptation and every situation in our lives.
Through Christ, He made it easy and light for us to bear everything that comes our way.
Let us behold our God as one and there is no other besides Him.
Ps Ambrose