Leviticus 6:13 NKJV


A fire shall always be burning on the altar; it shall never go out.

Leviticus 6:13 NKJV

There are so many laws that are linked to the Ten Commandments that God gave to mankind. One of them is that the fire on the altar should be burning continuously and never to be put out.

This speaks of a place available 24/7 for people to devote themselves to God in bringing their offerings to be burned.

Today, in the new testament through a new covenant, we are baptised in Jesus and the Holy Spirit has the fire started in us.

This fire is set by Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit which will never be put out except if we want to put it out by our ignorance, belief system and doubt.

We were made to carry the fire of God 24/7 all the days of our life. So often we put it out by thinking we need it to be lit again.

If we want it to be lit again, it goes to show that we have believed the fire has been put out.

The truth is God has lit the fire in us by His Spirit but it is up to us how big we want to let this fire burn.

How big the fire is going to be depends on what we are going to put into it. Not everything we throw into the fire is going to get the fire bigger.

If we throw water and other materials that do not help the fire to burn then it is not going to be bigger.

Our doubts, wrong thinking and confessions will cause our fire to be hidden.

But if we throw wood and materials that will make the fire bigger, then it is going to get bigger and stronger.

Our faith in God, holding on to all that Jesus has done in us and living life in Christ will make the fire bigger.

What we put into this fire matters. Our belief in Christ's finished work is the perfect wood to be put into the fire so that it will consume all our pride, anger, selfishness, greed and pleasures that is of the enemy.

Let us keep the fire bigger and stronger by walking in faith in all that Jesus has done for us.


Ps Ambrose


Galatians 3:28 NKJV


Exodus 3:21 NKJV