Psalms 78:23 NKJV


Yet He had commanded the clouds above, And opened the doors of heaven,

Psalms 78:23 NKJV

Though the Israelites walked in disobedience to the Lord, yet heaven's door did not close and the blessings of the Lord did not stop.

God still sheltered the Israelites from the heat of the day with a pillar of cloud, warmed them with the fire in the night and fed them with food from heaven.

God's abundance, love and grace do not stop because we disobey God but our disobedience can rob us of what is rightfully ours in Christ.

The opportunities, blessings and resources of God are all around us all the time. When we are obedient towards God and His word, we will be able to see clearly the blessings, the resources and the opportunities.

Obedience towards God opens the doorways to enter into the promised land and to enjoy the fullness of it.

We blame God for things He did not do.

We question, "Why Lord?" for the things He did not allow to happen and we pray prayers as if God is the one who is holding back blessings from us.

Everything that we are today is because we have followed, taken some steps and made some decisions willingly or by force.

We can change our situations, circumstances and our life by listening to a God who loves us and wants to bless us abundantly.

All of His resources and abundance is not stored for Himself. He is the God who forms everything He needs by His word.

All He has stored up in heaven is not for Him but for His children to partake in it and enjoy it.

Let us keep our hearts steadfast in Him, follow Him in obedience and enjoy God's abundance that surrounds our life.


Ps Ambrose


Psalms 81:1 NKJV


Psalms 91:2 NKJV