Ephesians 5:9 NKJV
““(for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),”
Ephesians 5:9 NKJV
This passage explains what should be manifesting in our life as a believer in Jesus.
The fruit of the Spirit or the fruit of the light speaks of the characteristics of God.
Jesus deposited His Divine nature in all of us so that every characteristic of light or the expression of His spirit can be seen in all of us.
What God has deposited in us is of His Spirit or of His light. Darkness and light cannot co-exist.
Light can come into darkness and it changes to light but darkness can never come into the light and cannot change a thing.
This shows us the power, privilege, and advantage that we have in Christ Jesus.
This knowledge needs to grow in our five senses and needs to bring all our senses into obedience to the light that is established in our spirit.
'In all goodness' also speaks about our moral compass in life. Is it God and His word or anything that sounds right or anything from our tradition?
Every part of us needs to stand in the right alignment with God’s truth. We stand in His righteousness and not in any other philosophies.
The life of a believer is so distinctively different from the world and its ways. We don’t do things based on how we feel or at our convenience.
We do it in obedience and give our best to serve the Lord. Everything we do, we do it in excellence unto the Lord.
Let us continue to live and manifest His light, His love, and His kingdom daily.
Ps Ambrose