Proverbs 3:27 NKJV
“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in the power of your hand to do so.”
Proverbs 3:27 NKJV
Every resource that God has put into our hands has its purpose. Purpose to bless us, our family and God’s kingdom.
God’s provision flows out of every person that is willing to be His providence to others.
Every need is an opportunity to release what God has in store for us. When we stretch out in faith, God pours out an abundance.
God has placed people around us and have raised them to nurture and guide us. Give them the honour and respect that is due to them.
Everything we withhold from giving will eventually eat the resources up. But everything we give will be multiplied not just 30, 60 but a hundredfold.
There are people whom God has placed in our influence, our family, friends, workplaces, in schools and ministries. Bless them and be Jesus to them.
God is a giver and we who have been made in His image ought to be giving. Out talents, resources, time and effort are all blessings that God has placed in us to share.
God empowers us to give. For God gives seed to the sower and bread to the hungry. God gives it through many ways. One of the ways that God gives is through us.
If we fail to give to the people to whom it is due, then we have withheld from them the blessings of God.
God is our provider and everyone that gives out of God’s abundance is living by faith and not by sight.
Have faith in God to be the givers that the Lord has made us to be and see the abundance of God flow through us.
Ps Ambrose