John 18:5 NKJV
Q“They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said to them, “I am He.” And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them.”
John 18:5 NKJV
When the deployment of troops and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees came to arrest Jesus for the crime He did not commit, Jesus went forward and gave himself to them.
This is a very important part of the redemption plan that took place in the garden. Jesus taking the place of the first Adam.
Adam in the garden denied the responsibility and accused God by saying the woman you gave me.
Adam did not take ownership of his authority and dominion over the earth but gave the earth and its influence to satan by not admitting his mistake.
Jesus is giving Himself to take full responsibility for the failures of first Adam by giving Himself up to be punished.
The troops, officers and all who came to arrest Jesus drew back and fell down the moment Jesus said He is the one they are looking for.
This shows that they have no power to arrest Jesus but Jesus gave Himself willingly to redeem mankind.
Jesus gave Himself up for the mistakes and sins that we have committed in our past present and future.
How much have we given, how much are we giving and how much are we going to give ourselves, our time and effort to follow Him?
Jesus’s love for us is transliterated and manifested by Him surrendering His life for us.
How is our love for Jesus being translated and manifested today?
It has to go beyond our lips, it has to come out in every aspect of our lives.
Let us be bold to live our lives for Jesus as He was bold to die and be resurrected for us.
Ps Ambrose