John 14:2 NKJV
In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
John 14:2 NKJV
God's promises are YES, and AMEN to all believers. Everything that God has said will come to pass. But we have to remember that each of that promises for our life is spread from now till eternity.
We must not be discouraged when the unrighteous prosper while we who are believing and doing the right thing seem to prosper lesser than them.
All the prosperity of the unrighteous is going to be short-lived. They are not going to last long. When they breathe their last, everything they had is of no use to them.
But for us who believe in Jesus, all that we do, say and all that we offer in obedience to God becomes a seed that translates to supernatural blessings for eternity.
Jesus said do not store treasures here on earth that are perishable but that which will last for eternity.
We must see things from God's perspective and be encouraged even when we don't see the blessings here on earth.
We must look to God and give thanks for all the other things God is doing, providing and blessing us daily.
The joy, the laughter, the peace, the love, hope and faith we possessed to face every challenge that comes our way.
The enemy wants us to take his bait and to start questioning God and His goodness.
The enemy wants us to look at the unrighteous that are prospering and so on.
This is one of the reasons Adam and Eve fell because they saw what the enemy was trying to show them and they failed to look at the beauty that was before them and that was made for them.
If we can take time to dwell and see in the spirit the mansion Jesus has prepared for us and dwell in them with Christ, we might have a different view looking at life here on earth.
God has prepared and made a place and all we need to do is to journey with Christ and live in all that He has done for us.
Ambrose Francis