Mark 1:17 NKJV
Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”
Mark 1:17 NKJV
Christ never forced people to follow Him but invited all to follow Him voluntarily and He will make them fishers of man.
Following Christ is not the end of our career or our passion but it is the power that fuels us to really shine in every aspect of our lives.
By following Christ, we come into the knowledge of our true identity and knowledge of our true existence.
When we know that the foundation is laid, we will be bold to build and do everything on it with confidence.
To follow Christ also means to look to Him as a model so that we can imitate Him in our daily lives.
We will flourish and will do well the moment we choose to follow Christ fully. It is not a loss to follow Him, but we gain everything we need to live out our full potential.
For only in Christ our sins and condemnation are taken out, and only through Him do we receive everything with regard to our new life in Christ.
If we don't follow Christ, we will miss out on the best part of our existence and will not be able to fulfil our destiny here on earth.
Therefore, to follow Christ is not a sacrifice. It is a great blessing that empowers us to live and fulfill our full potential.
Ps Ambrose