I John 2:9 NKJV
“He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now.”
I John 2:9 NKJV
True believers do not only say they believe but they live by the word of God. They will let the word of God change their thoughts, feelings, and their responses.
This is true for everything concerning the word of God. It is not good enough to know how to confess and remember God's word We have to start to live by it.
God has given us His divine power, His strength, His healing, His peace, and His love. All we need to do is to believe and walk in them.
We cannot ask God to do it for us.
It is for us to live that promise out in our lives.
We cannot ask God to do what He has already done. We just need to take a step of faith and see the manifestation of God in our life.
If we say we know God but do not live our lives reflecting His finished work, we are lying to ourselves and to others.
Living in Christ and believing in Him means living out daily what Jesus has accomplished for us all.
If there is any negative attitude that comes up against the image of God, we need to cast it down and begin to do what Christ has done for us.
Let us live out God’s love, grace, and mercy toward each other. Let us shine God’s glory daily as we live in Him.
Ps Ambrose