Genesis 13:11 NKJV
“Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other.”
Genesis 13:11 NKJV
Abraham gave Lot the privilege to choose for himself the land and to pitch his tent. Even though Abraham was the one leading the journey, he gave Lot the first choice.
Lot lifted his eyes and chose the best of the land and extended his dwelling near Sodom.
Lot chose to go to a place that looked like the garden of the Lord and like the land of Egypt as they go towards Zoar.
Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan and did not choose for himself based on what LOOKED LIKE but had faith in God who will make all things good for him.
Abram did not choose for himself the best of the land but he chose God who is the Maker of the land.
Abraham's security and dependability on God are clearly seen here. While he carried the burden and responsibility of taking care of the welfare of his people and his flock, He chose to trust God and not the land.
The majority today will go for what looks like good land, good prospects, and good deals instead of following God and His directions.
Lot's land was burnt to the ground. What seemed like the garden of the Lord and the wealth of Egypt went up in flames.
But the land that Abraham chose flourished and brought blessings to his servants and his flocks.
Let us not be pulled away by what seems to be nice and wonderful but let us seek the direction of the Lord and go even though it may look like a barren land.
For the Lord our God who calls and leads us will cause the ground to feed and everything we touch to prosper.
Let us follow Jesus and be led by His Spirit in everything we do.
Ps Ambrose