John 4:5 NKJV
“So He came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob gave to his son Joseph.”
John 4:5 NKJV
The word of God reveals God, His character, His desire, His plans, and His purpose for all mankind.
And here we see Jacob's land that has been given to his son has become a meeting place, a place that would reveal the secrets of our Father’s heart through Christ our Lord.
Jesus spoke many very important things in this place about true worshipers, about the indwelling of His Spirit, and about the rivers of God that will flow out of every believer.
All this happens because Jesus stopped at the well.
Is there a well, a place, a talent, a work, a business, a building, a home, or even a shack that God can use as a connection to reveal Himself to the world?
Since we have become His children and the ambassadors of His kingdom therefore we can avail anything to be a place of connection so that His kingdom and His truth can be shared.
Some may look at it as just a well but for Jesus, it is a place where a community was saved and where a woman’s search for the truth is found.
Let us not despise small things, small beginnings, small talents, and small places but trust and believe God.
Two small fish and little barley loaves are very very insignificant before thousands of people yet they collected 12 baskets of food remains.
Let us give, and avail ourselves not only for today but continuously to bless generations to come.
Ps Ambrose