Matthew 18:22 NKJV


Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.

Matthew 18:22 NKJV

Forgiveness is such a big part of every human being. Living life in an imperfect world would require forgiveness so we could be at peace with one another.

Forgiveness is not a matter of words but it is a matter of a conscious decision to release someone who has done wrong. It is about not holding back any resentment and wishing them the best that God has for them.

We can and we should forgive one another because God forgave us all when we did not deserve it.

We must forgive much because we have been forgiven much. When we understand the power of forgiveness, we will look for avenues to forgive one another.

This is because forgiveness releases us to move forward without being hindered in any way.

Forgiveness has no limits and has no end. The more we forgive, the more freedom we encounter and the more we will be encouraged to serve the Lord and to serve one another.

Jesus has given us many important instructions. One of them is we must forgive. If we cannot forgive, we cannot receive forgiveness from God.

Unforgiveness is a weapon that satan uses to hold our lives into his captivity.

Unforgiveness is a legal right that we give to satan to be held by him.

Jesus said if you can't forgive which is, if you willingly give to satan the rights to hold us back, then the forgiveness of Jesus cannot be manifested in our lives.

God cannot violate the free will that He has given to mankind and due to that, mankind can choose to remain in satan's power of unforgiveness or choose to forgive and experience the freedom in Christ.

We are a slave to whom we yield ourselves to. If we yield to God in forgiveness, then we flow in God's freedom of Joy, Peace and Love. But if we yield to satan in

forgiveness, he will steal, kill and destroy our lives.

Therefore, forgiveness is not an option for those who want to live in Christ. A believer makes the decision to forgive every day and at every time.

Let us celebrate forgiveness and forgive one another in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Ambrose Francis


Isaiah 41:11 NKJV


Romans 8:8 NKJV