Nehemiah 4:9 NKJV
“Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and because of them we set a watch against them day and night.”
Nehemiah 4:9 NKJV
When Nehemiah started to rebuild the temple, the enemy went all out to kill the builders of the temple to stop the rebuilding.
Nehemiah and the people who joined him did not face any opposition before but the moment they started on God’s work, it seems like all hell broke loose on them.
The people who followed Nehemiah were so focused, so bold to give their lives and did not let anything stop them from accomplishing the task that was before them.
Every time the enemy planned something, the people of God were ready in prayer, in faith and in action.
Each one of us are rebuilder. God has appointed us just as He appointed Nehemiah.
We are to rebuild the broken world. God has appointed us to establish His kingdom here on earth to bring back His rule to earth.
Nehemiah and the people were united to accomplish God’s temple and they accomplished it.
We too need to stay on course, focused, determined and united to establish His kingdom here on earth.
There will be sacrifices and there will be some losses but in the end, much more will be restored back to us.
Nehemiah said because of the enemy, they set a watchman over the work.
The enemy did not weaken them but strengthened them to be vigilant, united and fortified.
Let us be vigilant, united and strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.
Ps Ambrose