II Timothy 4:8 NKJV
“Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
II Timothy 4:8 NKJV
Paul spoke about the assurance of reward that is set for him to receive. The ultimate reward that the Lord has promised.
This is a piece of welcoming news that all believers in Christ desire to receive from our Lord and Saviour on that Day.
When that day comes, it will be a time to receive the reward. It will not be a time where we try to make up for it, argue about why we should get it or demand for it.
What we do, starting today is to work towards it, argue against everything that tries to stop us from doing God’s work and demand that everything should be brought under the subjection in Christ Jesus our Lord.
As Paul says, this is not for him alone but to all who love His appearing. This means every believer that loves Jesus.
If we are going to be satisfied just to get to heaven, we have missed the whole plan of God.
God wanted heaven to come down to earth to transform earth as it is in heaven through His children.
We are His plan for the earth to be transformed into His kingdom and for it to be governed by His power.
If we don’t take our place in Christ and bring His kingdom here on earth, then we will be a believer without purpose and miss out on the best God has planned for us.
Let us fight the good fight of faith. Pushing through every lie, every deceit and every pleasure that destroys lives.
Let us continue till we see Jesus face to face on that day and be welcomed into His arms of love.
Ps Ambrose