Psalms 29:2 NKJV
Give unto the Lord the glory due to His name; Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Psalms 29:2 NKJV
All glory is due to His Name, no matter what form the glory comes, it is due to His name.
If we fail to pass on that glory that is directed to us, we have taken from God what is due to His Name.
Our life as His children is to live in His glory. Therefore, all glory is His and every credit goes to God and God alone.
The reason why we worship Him is that we live in Him, move in Him and have our being in Him.
He is the only one that is worthy to receive all honour and glory and there is no one else.
A heart of gratitude will always extend their altitude and latitude. A grateful heart attracts blessings.
Worship means to esteem with worth, to honour, to place the highest value on, to bow down, to throw kisses, to acknowledge in all things, perpetual gratitude, to prostrate, to mingle, to surrender and to ascribe all credit to.
With this understanding of what worship is, we will realise that we are to acknowledge that everything we have, what we own and everything in the universe will have to bow and worship God Almighty.
This means we have to walk in gratitude towards God all the days of our lives because every single thing we have from the moment that we are born till we leave this earth belongs to God.
Let our life be a worship unto God and live life with such gratitude towards God Almighty.
Ambrose Francis