Zechariah 2:5 NKJV
For I,’ says the Lord , ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’ ”
Zechariah 2:5 NKJV
This is the word that God gave to His people. A promise that cannot be broken. This is our heritage as believers in Christ Jesus.
We are children of God through Christ and we live in double blessings as compared to the old covenant.
As God used to shield the people of God from the outside in, today in Christ, we are shielded from the inside out for we are a dwelling place of God.
We can walk with confidence because God has shielded us totally that no matter which way the enemy tries to come, God has shielded us all.
God's promise in the old testament that He will be their glory and today in Christ we have in us the hope of glory. This glory needs to shine in the world.
We are the glory of God to the world. We have the resurrection power and grace to raise every fibre of our being to live in Christ Jesus.
It's time to put all that God has put in us to practise for the world is waiting and wanting to see His glory.
When God's glory shines through us then the lie and deceit of the enemy will be exposed.
We have received the greatest gift of all Jesus Christ. Through Him, we all have become children of the living God.
Let us live in His glory and boldly declare by faith His works and His love.
Ambrose Francis