Isaiah 58:11 NKJV
The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.
Isaiah 58:11 NKJV
God is constant in who He is. God is constant in what He has said and God is constant in establishing His promises.
God desires to satisfy His children with His abundance in every season of their life.
There is a fountain of God's abundance in every one of us that cannot be affected by any situations or circumstances.
Drought, famine, plagues, fire or any form disaster will not be able to change the abundance God has in store for us.
He is our good shepherd and He is a constant lead and guide to those who would give ear to His direction.
God's abundance is not stored up in heaven to show how rich God is. Everything that is in store in God's abundance is for His children to have, enjoy and share.
We have been transferred to God's kingdom, not to be poor, weak and sick but to be blessed, strong and healed in Christ Jesus.
Imagine in the dry desert there is a patch of land that constantly receives water. That patch will have a potential for growth and life.
This is what God has prepared for His children. So that no matter what is happening in and around us, the abundance of God will refresh us, restore us and flow through us.
The fountain of God is constant in us and all we need to do is to be constant in Him.
Ambrose Francis